Schinzilord for 2014/11/26 Veröffentlicht unter der Lizenz GPL 3.0. '########################################################## Function getRate(Curve As Variant, node As Variant) ' This function interpolates and extrapolates a given discount curve ' and returns the evaluated rate for the given node Dim iRow As Integer Dim jRow As Integer Dim lambda As Variant Dim Timesteps(LBound(Curve, 1) To UBound(Curve, 1)) As Variant Dim rate As Variant ' Make 1D Array with Timesteps (Nodes) of Discount Curve: For iRow = LBound(Curve, 1) To UBound(Curve, 1) Timesteps(iRow) = Curve(iRow,1) ' Msgbox (CF_new(iRow,1) & " and " & CF_new(iRow,2)) Next ' Now extrapolate downside: If ( node < MIN(Timesteps) ) Then rate = Curve(1,2) 'MsgBox "MIN(Timesteps)= " & MIN(Timesteps) & " rate is " & rate ' Or extrapolate upside: ElseIf ( node > MAX(Timesteps) ) Then rate = Curve(UBound(Curve,1),2) 'MsgBox "MAX(Timesteps)= " & MAX(Timesteps) & " rate is " & rate Else ' Otherwise Linear Interpolation: For iRow = 2 To UBound(Curve, 1) lambda = ( node - Curve(iRow-1,1) ) / ( Curve(iRow,1) - Curve(iRow-1,1) ) if (lambda > 0 ) Then if ( lambda <= 1 ) Then rate = (1 - lambda ) * Curve(iRow-1,2) + lambda * Curve(iRow,2) 'MsgBox " lambda: " & lambda & " rate " & rate & " Node low " & Curve(iRow-1,1) & " Node high " & Curve(iRow,1) End If End If Next End If getRate = rate End Function '########################################################## Function pvmp(Curve As Variant, CF As Variant) ' This function returns the present value of Cashflows (CF) ' which are discounted by their corresponding discount rate ' given by the Curve. Therefor the helper function "getRate" ' is incorporated to linearly inter- and extrapolate to match ' the CF timesteps with the nodes from the discount curve Dim iRow As Integer Dim jRow As Integer Dim cf_date As Variant Dim lambda As Variant Dim pv As Variant Dim rate As Variant Dim node As Variant Dim DF As Variant ' Present Value pv = 0 ' Loop through all Cashflows For iRow = LBound(CF,1) To UBound(CF,1) ' Get Node: node = CF(iRow,1) ' Get Rate rate = getRate(Curve,node) ' Calculate Discount Factor for given Rate: DF = ( ( 1 + rate )^(-node/365) ) ' Add up all discounted cashflows to resulting present value pv = pv + CF(iRow,2) * DF next pvmp = pv End Function '########################################################## '############################# Helper Functions ########################### Function MAX(Array As Variant) 'If Not isNumeric(Array) Then ' MsgBox ("Your Array is not numeric") ' 'end 'End If Dim tmpmax As Variant Dim i As Integer tmpmax = 0 For i = LBound(Array) To UBound(Array) If (Array(i) > tmpmax) Then tmpmax = Array(i) End If Next MAX = tmpmax End Function Function MIN(Array As Variant) 'If Not isNumeric(Array) Then ' MsgBox ("Your Array is not numeric") ' 'end 'End If Dim tmpmin As Variant Dim i As Integer tmpmin = Array(UBound(Array)) For i = LBound(Array) To UBound(Array) If (Array(i) < tmpmin) Then tmpmin = Array(i) 'MsgBox (tmpmin) End If Next MIN = tmpmin End Function