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Rentenmarkt Brasilien

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Hallo zusammen,


ich bin verzweifelt auf der Suche nach Daten und insbesondere Analysen über den brasilianischen Rentenmarkt. Ich suche dabei nicht nur die aktuellen Bonds und ihre Kupons - die finde ich nämlich bei onvista, sondern ich brauche eine Analyse über die historische Entwicklung bzw. kurzfriste Entwicklung des rentenmarktes inkl. Zukunftsaussichten.


Falls ihr hierzu irgendwelche studien habt, wäre es super wenn ihr mir sagt, wo ich solche finden kann.


beste grüße sheriff7000

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Hallo sheriff,


warum bist du so heiß auf den Brasilianischen Rentenmarkt? Willst du noch schnell

sehr gut verzinste Schnäppchen sichern, bevor die Zinsen noch weiter in den Keller gehen? ;)




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nein so ist es nicht ganz... ich mache für mein studium eine länderanalyse brasiliens, dabei will ich auch den kapitalmarkt näher durchleuchten. also bin ich auf jeden tip angewiesen...

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Na Google dich doch mal durch! (...haste wahrscheinlich schon gemacht :rolleyes: )

Hab mal eben paar Stichworte eingegeben, da kam zwar viel Mist, aber auch ein paar interessante Sachen

zum Brasilianischen Rentenmarkt.




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Helfen diese Infos ?


Von Fitch und S&P gibt es ähnliche Reports.



Moody's Places Brazil's Ratings on Review for Upgrade




New York, May 24, 2007 -- Moody's Investors Service has placed on review for possible upgrade Brazil's key ratings to determine the extent to which improved macroeconomic, external, and fiscal prospects are likely to lead to a sustained improvement in the government's overall debt profile that may reduce Brazil's medium-term credit risks.



The review will cover Brazil's Ba1 foreign-currency bond ceiling and the government's Ba2 foreign- and local-currency bond ratings. The foreign-currency bond ceiling is based on the government foreign-currency bond rating and Moody's assessment of a moderate risk of a payments moratorium in the event of a government default. The country's Ba3 ceiling for foreign-currency bank deposits will also come under the review.



"While Brazil's external vulnerability indicators have sustained an impressive reduction, the improvement in government debt indicators has been less striking," said Moody's Senior Analyst Mauro Leos. "Still, the domestic debt structure is improving, and government debt ratios are trending downwards."



Not only is Brazil benefitting from pro-active debt management, but budget trends and prospects should lead to further declines in debt ratios over the medium term. Leos noted that "from a fundamental perspective, an improved credit standing requires both of these."



He said Moody's review will assess the prospects for a sustained reduction in government debt ratios and the likelihood that Brazil's debt burden will align more closely to those of countries rated in the upper end of the Ba category.



"Assessing sustainable progress will require confidence in the political support for proposals that, if approved and implemented by Congress, could strengthen fiscal fundamentals over time," said Leos. "Of particular significance are measures that could contribute to reducing the growth in primary spending, which has driven the upward trend in government spending in previous years."



In assessing prospects for sustaining improvements in the government domestic debt, Moody's will be evaluating the likelihood of further reductions in the share of floating-rate debt and increases in the debt stock's average maturity.



"The recent surge observed in capital inflows, while supportive of boosting international reserves, represents a key challenge to the authorities," said Leos. "We will closely examine its potential consequences on domestic financial markets, particularly under scenarios of a potential reversal of those flows."



Finally, he said, the review will also look at alternative external scenarios that incorporate less favorable global conditions that could test the resilience to adverse external shocks of the economy, the balance of payments, and the fiscal accounts.



Brazil's A1 local-currency deposit ceiling and the A1 local-currency bond ceiling the highest possible rating that could be assigned to obligors and obligations denominated in local currency within the country are not under review.

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Brasilien: Inflation niedriger als erwartet


Brasilia 30.05.07 (www.emfis.com) In Brasilien ist der allgemeine Preisanstieg im Monat Mai unter den Erwartungen geblieben. Der IGP-M-Index, der die Verbraucher-, Großhandels- und Baupreise erfasst, ging gegenüber dem Vormonat um 0,04 Prozent nach oben. Im April hatte sich ebenfalls ein Anstieg um 0,04 Prozent ereignet. Die Erwartungen der Bankvolkswirte hatten laut Bloomberg bei einem Zuwachs von 0,08 Prozent gelegen.


Quelle: EMFIS.COM, Autor: (gh)



Somit bleibt Brasilien als High Yield Rentenmarkt weiterhin interessant, weil mit weiteren Zinssenkungen

zu rechnen ist.


Nächste Situng der Banco Central do Brasil ist am 05/06 Juni!


Banco Central do Brasil




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Brazilian Industrial Output Rises 4.9 Percent in May (Update1)


By Katia Cortes


July 4 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil's industrial output climbed in May as lower interest rates helped cut financing costs and boosted production of machinery and cars.


Output increased 4.9 percent from a year earlier, compared with a gain of 6 percent in April, the national statistics agency said in a statement released in Rio de Janeiro today. The increase exceeded the median estimate of 3.5 percent by 23 economists in a Bloomberg survey.


Brazil's central bank lowered the benchmark lending rate for a 16th straight time on June 6 to 12 percent from 19.75 percent in September 2005. Lower rates helped spur a 19.4 percent increase in production of capital goods from a year ago and raised durable goods output by 6 percent, the agency said.


``Some industries are benefiting from lower credit and managed to boost production,'' Edgard Pereira, an economist with Brazilian Research Institute for Industry Development, said in an interview in Sao Paulo. ``The increase in the production of capital goods reduces inflationary pressure.''


The central bank on June 28 cut its estimate for inflation this year to 3.5 percent from 3.8 percent and raised its forecast for economic growth to 4.7 percent from 4.1 percent.


After stripping out seasonal factors, output climbed 1.3 percent in May from April, the agency said. The gain was more than the median 0.3 percent rise forecast in the Bloomberg survey.





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Schön jetzt nochn


 [quote] [/quote]


oder vielleicht gleich wie alle Anderen nur die Überschrift und nen Link dann passts :D.

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Schön jetzt nochn


 [quote] [/quote]


oder vielleicht gleich wie alle Anderen nur die Überschrift und nen Link dann passts :D.


Einige, für mich wichtige Infos brauche ich für meine Anlageentscheidungen. Vielleicht kann man mir diese Freiheit überlassen, was ich kopiere.

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