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Unicredit - Another Lehman Brothers?

Empfohlene Beiträge

· bearbeitet von WhistleblowerIRL

"UniCredit als Mitverursacher der irischen Finanzkrise" - Anfrage von Herrn Abgeordneten Dr. Martin Graf, Dritter Präsident, im Parlament der Republik Österreich, 23. Dez. '10, http://www.parlament...341/index.shtml

Denkt Herr Draghi, der Gouverneur der Banca d'Italia, an seinen eigenen Hinterhof, wenn er in der Financial Times sagt: "we could easily cross the line and lose everything we have." www.FT.com/draghi

Es ist bereits ein offenes Geheimnis, dass Italiens größte Bank, UniCredit, eine tickende Zeitbombe ist:"In this global debt crisis we have heard several new notions: Too Big to Fail (AIG) and Too Big to Bail (Spain) and now I would like to add one more - Too Big to Mention. And to that category I would like to assign Unicredit as its founder member... Unicredit is an institution that never gets mentioned because it is SO big relative to its parent nation that their fates are one." http://golemxiv-credo.blogspot.com/2010/12/dominoes-falling-from-east.html


Dieser Blogger ist ein bekannter Hersteller BBC-Dokumentation: http://www.debtgeneration.org/author.html In einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel schrieb Golem: "Unicredit - Another Lehman Brothers? As I have written before, Unicredit owns Bank Austria which has the largest western banking presence in Eastern Europe. I wondered in Dominoes falling from the East if UniCredit might not be about to receive a train load of debts from Bank Austria, as well as from its US investment companies - Pioneer Global Asset Management, Pioneer Alternative Investment and Vanderbilt Capital Advisers.

So it is of interest that according to this report part of the reason for Nomura's downgrade of UniCredit, was due to concerns about UniCredit's expansion in to the East and losses which might come from those operations. And this combines, for me, with UniCredit now wanting to sell off Pioneer, which used to be such an important part of its securitising cash cow business.

Basically I am suggesting that it might be worth keeping an eye on UniCredit for signs that it is having short term funding and overnight liquidity troubles. Just the early first stages, nothing too serious yet. But we live in febrile and feverish times when a mild infection can spread alarmingly quickly. When problems thought to be hidden or quarantined can suddenly erupt.

I think UniCredit will figure larger in our news in the coming months, as will Italy itself." http://golemxiv-cred...n-brothers.html

Wenn Gouverneur Draghi nach Beweisen für UniCredits versteckten Geheimnissen sucht, Dank der schlampigen (vergesslichen) Irischen Regulierungsbehörde sollte Ihn folgendes interessieren:

"Still waiting for the truth from the Regulator - UniCredit breached liquidity requirements in 2007. Matthew Elderfield nods. The interconnectedness of banking dysfunctionality...." Village Magazine, 18. Dez. '10 . http://www.villagema...-the-regulator/

Grüße aus Dublin,



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