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Trading halt

The securities of the company will be placed in pre-open at the request of the company, pending the release of an announcement by the company. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in pre-open until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on friday, 19. March 2004 or when the announcement is released to the market.


Weiss jemand, worum es dabei genau geht? :stupid:



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16 March 2004 STARPHARMA SUSPENDS TRADING PENDING CHANGE OF PDF STATUS Melbourne (Australia) 16 March 2004:


Starpharma Pooled Development Limited (ASX:SPL) has announced that it will be voluntarily handing back its pooled development fund licence. The company held a General Meeting of shareholders on 22nd January 2004 to seek shareholder approval for a proposal to give Directors the discretion to relinquish the company’s status as a PDF. Shareholders voted strongly in support of the proposal, which the Board had indicated would only proceed if circumstances arose where it was considered to be in the best interests of shareholders. The company now has an opportunity to make a follow-on investment in the US based entity Dendritic Nanotechnologies, Inc. (DNT). However as it is currently a PDF, Starpharma is prohibited from increasing its investment or participating in any US-based “spin-offs”. The Directors have therefore decided that it is now an appropriate time to seek revocation of the PDF registration. The Company has requested the ASX place its securities in pre-open, and has immediately applied to the Pooled Development Funds Registration Board to have the PDF registration declaration revoked. It is not known when the PDF Registration Board will make its decision. However the company will request the ASX to remove the trading halt as soon as the decision of the PDF Registration Board is received. When the PDF registration declaration is revoked, the name of the company will be changed to Starpharma Holdings Ltd. The company will write to all shareholders advising them of the application and the decision of the PDF registration board. Further details regarding any follow-on investment in DNT or spin-off entities will be announced as soon as possible. Starpharma Pooled Development Limited (SPL) is a registered pooled development fund with investments in wholly owned subsidiary biopharmaceutical companies focused on the development and application of dendrimer nanotechnologies as drugs against major diseases. SPL also has a 49.9% equity in a US based company – Dendritic Nanotechnologies, Inc. (DNT) – established with the US pioneer of dendrimer nanotechnology Dr Donald Tomalia. CONTACTS: Dr John Raff Mr Ben Rogers Chief Executive Officer Company Secretary +61 3 8532 2701 +61 3 8532 2702 www.starpharma.com

Daraus zu verstehen ...

Die wollen in eine amerikanische Firma investieren, ihren dadurch Anteil erhöhen. Dies wiederrum dürfen sie aber nur, wenn sie gewisse Auflagen erfüllen. Das wird jetzt angestrebt! Bis 19.03.2004 kein Handel an der ASX. Dannach könnte es sein das Starpharma den Zusatznamen Holding hat.

Denke dies ist im Sinne der Aktionäre.


Das ist also weiterhin sehr positiv zu werden. :thumbsup:

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Kleiner Zwischenbericht aus Phase 1 :thumbsup:

Es geht also mächtig schnell voran; haben Top Mitarbeiter in Aussi! :)


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Und hier noch der Quartalsbericht:



:thumbsup: Alles im grünen Bereich :thumbsup:


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Starpharma sammelt weiter Patente :D


Wenn ich wieder etwas Zeit habe, werde ich mir mal die Originalartikel zu diesem Patent ansehen; scheint kein unwichtiges zu sein ;)


Hier die Veröffentlichung von Starpharma als PDF:



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Hallo. :)


Jep, darauf habe ich auch gewartet. Endlich mal wieder News, da legt auch endlich der Kurs wieder zu und die Fantasie steigt. :thumbsup:

Vielleicht reicht es diesmal, um endlich die 1,00$ zu durchstoßen. :rolleyes:

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Nur das Patent wird wohl nicht reichen, aber es werden bald noch weitere News folgen. Auf der Forschungsseite haben die Jungs wohl zur Zeit das Glück gebucht. Mal sehen wann das auch der Firma zu gute kommt. :D:thumbsup:

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Und weiter Schritt für Schritt :D ;wenn wir hier nur halb so eine Politik hätten wie in down under: "Innovationen" in Deutschland. haha!


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Heute ging es gut voran. Asx +7%. Deutschland +13% B)

Und das ohne Meldung. Jedenfalls finde ich keine :D

Starpharma hat sich im fallenden Markt sehr gut gehalten, sogar ohne News.

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Denke,dass könnte den einen oder anderen zum Kauf motiviert haben :D :


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Bin jetzt sogar in einer deutschen Ausgabe von "Scientific American" über das VivaGel gestolpert :D

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Ah ja, danke Super. :D:thumbsup:

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Heute weitere News aus Phase 1 B) :


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komisch ich finde diesen Wert nirgens, könnte mir kurz jemand helfen?

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WKN: 796461



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:o Was ist denn da passiert B) :

Unerwartet ein kleiner Megadeal :D

Tja mal schaun, wie lange der Handel noch ausgesetzt bleibt ;)

Die Vermarktung der Pipeline wird wohl deutlich schneller vorangetrieben als normal.


25.01.2005 18:05:

Dendritic NanoTechnologies, Dow and Starpharma Sign Major Three-Way Deal to Commercialize Nanotechnology


MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich., Jan. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Dendritic NanoTechnologies Inc. (DNT), The Dow Chemical Company , and Starpharma (Nachrichten) of Melbourne, Australia, have reached an agreement that provides DNT and Starpharma with ownership or access to the world's broadest patent portfolio in the field of dendrimers, and establishes the companies as leading providers of market-validated nanotechnology with near-term, tangible commercial applications.


Under terms of the deal, Dow will assign its entire intellectual property portfolio and associated royalties in the field of dendrimers (196 patents comprising 41 patent families) to DNT in exchange for a significant equity stake in DNT. Starpharma, which already held a 42% interest in DNT, will make an additional cash equity investment in DNT in exchange for exclusive rights to DNT and former Dow intellectual property for polyvalent, dendrimer-based pharmaceutical applications.


" As part of this agreement, Dow has assigned all of our extensive intellectual property in this field to DNT," explained Mike Pirc, manager of intellectual property, The Dow Chemical Company. " This move consolidates a great amount of the important intellectual property in the dendrimer field into one company. It will be very positive for developing the applications and further demonstrating the value of this technology."


" Having an investment by Dow not only highlights DNT's position as a global leader in nanotechnology and advanced dendritic polymers, but also means opportunities for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology markets," said Robert Berry, chief executive officer, Dendritic NanoTechnologies. " The fact that Dow is transferring their intellectual property portfolio in dendrimers to DNT reinforces that DNT, and our strategic partner Starpharma, are well-positioned to develop, market and successfully commercialize these technologies."


Dendrimers are a new class of nanostructures with physical properties that make them ideal vehicles for targeting diseases and delivering drugs to fight them. Dendrimer technology was first developed at Dow when DNT founder Donald Tomalia was a Dow employee. Today, DNT has more than 30 patents in dendrimer science, and sells and licenses more than 200 variations of dendrimers to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and diagnostics companies.


DNT's current product development areas include protein, antibody, and anti-inflammatory drug delivery technologies for the pharmaceutical industry; small-interfering RNA (si-RNA) drug targeting and delivery solutions for the biotech industry; and new diagnostic solutions for enhancing the findings of MRIs. With the assignment of the Dow patent portfolio, DNT will now own the world's broadest intellectual property position in dendrimer science.


In January 2004, Starpharma became the first company in the world to initiate human clinical testing of a dendrimer-based pharmaceutical (VivaGel for prevention of HIV) under a U.S. Food and Drug Administration Investigational New Drug application. VivaGel was recognized as one of the top five nanotech breakthroughs of 2004 by the Forbes/Wolfe Nanotech Report.


The deal also positions DNT and Starpharma as the leading sources of license rights for dendrimers and as developers of the technology in their own rights.


" Starpharma is very pleased to complete this major deal with Dow and DNT. In doing so, we are helping to establish our strategic partner DNT as the premier out-licensing source for one of the most important fields in nanotechnology," commented John Raff, chief executive officer of Starpharma. " The agreement also significantly strengthens our own intellectual property position in the area of polyvalent, dendrimer-based pharmaceuticals."


" Big pharma has been in big trouble," said Josh Wolfe, managing partner, Lux Capital. " They've spent investor money developing drugs with increasingly little returns and imprecise delivery vehicles. One clear way to deliver better performance is better delivery of drugs. DNT's dendrimers fuse biology and chemistry -- marrying a drug with a 'container' to deliver it precisely to patients. The Dow patents and expertise will push this technology closer to market."


About The Dow Chemical Company


Dow is a leader in science and technology, providing innovative chemical, plastic and agricultural products and services to many essential consumer markets. With annual sales of $33 billion, Dow serves customers in more than 180 countries and a wide range of markets that are vital to human progress, including food, transportation, health and medicine, personal and home care, and building and construction, among others. Committed to the principles of sustainable development, Dow and its approximately 46,000 employees seek to balance economic, environmental and social responsibilities. References to " Dow" or the " Company" mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted. For further information, visit http://www.dow.com/.


About Starpharma Holdings Ltd.


Starpharma is focused on the development and application of dendrimer nanotechnologies as drugs against major diseases. Starpharma's lead dendrimer product, VivaGel has received clearance from the U.S. FDA for human clinical trials. VivaGel is a topical microbicide gel product that has been developed for women as a preventative against the sexual transmission of HIV. It is also active in animal studies for the prevention of other sexually transmitted diseases including genital herpes and chlamydia. SPL also has an equity interest in a U.S.-based company-Dendritic Nanotechnologies Inc. (DNT)-established with the U.S. pioneer of dendrimer nanotechnology Dr. Donald Tomalia. http://www.starpharma.com/


About DNT


Dendritic NanoTechnologies Inc. (DNT) is the world's leading developer and provider of advanced dendritic polymers. DNT has breakthrough technology that provides the vehicle -- the targeting and delivery mechanisms -- for a vast array of diagnostic and therapeutics currently in development in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. DNT was founded in 2003 on a technology platform discovered in 1979 when Donald Tomalia, PhD, then a senior research scientist with The Dow Chemical Company, discovered " dendrimers," or dendritic polymers. This new type of nanostructure (particles so small they allow us to build materials literally atom-by-atom) hold great promise for real-world applications such as biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Based on Dr. Tomalia's work, Dow was awarded the world's first dendrimer patents. http://www.dnanotech.com/


Dendritic NanoTechnologies Inc.

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So der Deal ist perfekt :D und jetzt wirds für Investoren erst richtig interessant, weil die Zeit bis zur Vermarktung von Produkten nicht mehr in den Sternen steht. :thumbsup:

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