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Abbott Laboratories (ABT)

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Interessant Aktie...mit einem KGV von 211 :w00t::w00t:

teurer als Amazon, soll mir einer nochmal sagen, nur Techwerte hätten exorbitanten Preis

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Ich sehe KGVe von 22

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According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over 37 million people in the U.S. have diabetes. That’s a little over 11% of the entire population. When you have diabetes your body doesn’t make enough or any insulin at all. Those with the disease must regularly monitor blood sugar. This has been traditionally done with glucometer's by pricking your finger over and over again for drops of blood. But over the last decade, technology like continuous glucose monitoring have been on the rise. Abbott and Dexcom are the two most dominant players in the space. Both companies have seen increased growth. The benefits of this technology are also being marketed by several health and wellness apps as many companies see benefits to those who don’t have diabetes. CNBC spoke with both Abbott and Dexcom about the technology inside CGMs and how they see it expanding.


00:00 — Introduction

03:08 — Diabetes and Continuous Glucose Monitors

04:36 — Dexcom and Abbott

06:25 — Expansion

10:30 — Competition

14:00 — The future

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Spannendes Unternehmen, ist mir aber derzeit immer noch ca. 10-15% zu teuer. 

Covid Geschäft sorgt für die nächsten 1-2 Jahre noch für Stagnation bzw. Ergebnisrückgang. Aktuelles PE von 23 und Forward 2025 bei 20.

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